
LA City residents and LAUSD families and students deserve a redistricting process that prioritizes community representation—NOT political insiders. Every ten years, federal law requires the boundaries of city council districts and LAUSD board districts to be redrawn because of population shifts. This redistricting process influences which residents can run for office, and therefore who advocates for services in that district, decides how public dollars are spent, and what policies are put into place. 

Charter Amendments DD and LL will give important decision-making power to community members across LA City and LAUSD respectively and will completely take that power out of the hands of politicians. An independent redistricting commission is a proven, trusted, nonpartisan reform that has worked well in countless other California jurisdictions. It allows unbiased and impartial residents to draw district boundaries based on input from the public.

We need a system that gives the people the power of redistricting, not politicians. Vote YES on DD and LL this general election!

Endorsements include:

Elected Officials

  • Mike Bonin, Former LA City Councilmember

  • Nick Melvoin, LAUSD Board Member

  • Rev. Edward Anderson, former 2021 LA City Redistricting Commissioner

  • Sara Sadhwani, California State Independent Redistricting Commissioner

  • Supervisor Lindsey Horvath, Chair, LA County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District

  • Tanya Ortiz-Franklin, LAUSD Board Member

Community-Based Organizations

  • A New Way of Life Reentry Project (ANWOL)

  • AAPI Equity Alliance

  • Alliance for a Better Community

  • California Black Power Network

  • California Common Cause

  • California Native Vote Project

  • Catalyst California

  • CD Tech

  • Courage California

  • InnerCity Struggle

  • LA Forward Institute

  • League of Women Voters of Greater Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE)

  • Native Development Network

  • Pacific Asian Counseling Services

  • RepresentUs

  • RepresentUs Los Angeles

  • South Asian Network

  • Thai Community Development Center (Thai CDC)

  • Translatin@ Coalition

  • Valley Grassroots for Democracy

  • Women Organizing Resources, Knowledge, and Services

Political Organizations

  • Democratic Party of the San Fernando Valley

  • East Area Progressive Democrats

  • Green Party of Los Angeles County

  • Los Angeles County Democratic Party

  • UCLA Undergraduate Student Association Council


  • Los Angeles Times

Join the "YES! on LA City Charter Amendments DD and LL" Coalition and endorse LA City ballot measures DD and LL!